3 Capital Cities in 3 Days - An Update

06/08/2013 22:48


Hi folks, it has been a mad period lately, but now I'm back in the writing seat to bring you new, more regular material and updates on my antics. I'm fresh out of charging through three capital cities in three days - sleeping across the spectrum in a questionable bed, on an airport floor, sprawled across a thin air conditioning vent, then in a random caravan and, finally, a comfortable tent. But now keep your eyes peeled... I'm in London and will be reporting to you twice within the next week. My Peanut Society of Lucubrators speaks again from the underground... it's expanding and broadening!


In the meantime here's a picture to honour our society's energetic resurfacing!


Warsaw - The Announcement


3 Capital Cities in 3 Days - An Update

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