Send a £10 gift to the The Letter Writing Revivial and receive a personalised letter in a LWR specially-decorated envelope

Send a £10 gift to the The Letter Writing Revivial and receive a personalised letter in a LWR specially-decorated envelope


You can support The Letter Writing Revival even more... send a gift of £10 and you'll receive a handwritten and personalised letter delivered in the post in a LWR specially-decorated envelope, to give you some inspiration for producing revived letters and envelopes of your own. In doing so, you will be supporting two upcoming artists in their journey not only to travel around the world, but to produce permanent work. Support us and believe in something...


When you opt for this, please send us your address in a message via the 'Contact Us' page. You can also give us an insight into your interests - this helps us tailor our letter to you.


Become part of a 21st century literary endeavour!


Click the orange Paypal link below to get your original letter: