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PSofL Letters

As a writer I treasure bold, memorable writing, particularly in letter form. I believe that letters are the best free/very low cost gift remaining in the hyper-modern world, which is why I'm promoting on this site the art of letter writing and of sending letters in envelopes decorated in a distinctive style. Coupled with the use of quality stationery, my envelope concept creates a new combined visual and tactile effect that stands out like never before.... this project is updating its image.


Promoting the art of aesthetic letter writing as a lasting alternative to throwaway e-communication. Deepen your friendships, produce something permanent, and learn how to make the postman smile!


PSofL Letters Features

Latest Envelope Gallery - View Here!

10/11/2013 12:25

Receiving a Letter: The Last Honour

20/04/2013 13:00
  Sending a letter is easy, though too time consuming in the eyes of most people. Receiving one in return, then, becomes something of a miracle. With this in mind, over the next few weeks I'll be writing to three selected writers out of nubiform curiosity.   First up, I've written to an...

The Essential Travel Gift: Writing a Letter of Introduction

24/02/2013 22:09
I recently gave a friend who was travelling to the Far East the thing that every traveller needs but so few travellers have.... I handed him a universal letter of introduction. An independently-backed item such as this can be useful in countless unanticipated or foreseeable scenarios – making...

Try our NEW Typewriter Service (perfect for special occasions)

23/01/2013 01:33
  Communicate like a star!  It's here!  Introducing a new combined kind of letter service...   Send us the text of your letter or greeting and we'll type it for you on one of our fine historical typewriters – either this antique black Erika Naumann portable,...

Kaleidoscope: the envelope face, undefined & redesigned

09/01/2013 19:21
The habitual act of placing stamps in the top right-hand corner of an envelope and the address in the middle appears to originate from the layout of the 'stamped papers' that predated loose stamps. Such papers had their pre-printed 'stamp' in the upper-right corner, which cemented the future...

LWR's Latest – What kind of Letter Writer are you?

16/12/2012 21:20
Check out this recent LWR envelope. It’s a fine looking specimen that’s primed for delivery. Wonder what kind of letter it might contain? There are several types of letters: to friends, family, for business, complaint, for help; pages that are philosophical, confessional, writings sent to...

Interview with Ivica Milivojevic (Serbia) - poet, postman & journalist

11/11/2012 23:50
  The Letter Writing Revival interviews Ivica Milivojevic - poet, postman & journalist:    ...

Mid-week messages from us

06/11/2012 20:21
  Four mid-week messages from the Letter Writing Revival, Filthy Feet Photos & Peanut Society of Lucubrators collaboration   Celebrate art and letters... at the same time  (The back of an LWR envelope)   Read from paper pages  (Old town,...

Decorating your envelope's rear - glue and imagery, the new sealing wax

04/10/2012 13:02
    The design of each Letter Writing Revival  envelope is different. The image acts as a seal, forcing the recipient to experience the deviant pleasure of destroying it upon opening, whether by slicing through the personalised seal with a craft knife or...

The Morning Correspondence Walk - open & absorb your letters outside!

16/09/2012 16:49
Ever taken the time to walk to the right spot before shearing open your letters once the postman's been? If not, why not make it a new habit. As attested by Nietzsche, walking is the perfect stimulant to get you thinking. It helps you make decisions by clarifying the cloud of ideas in your...
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